Welcome to


Dear friends, recurrent guests and future visitors.

It is with a bittersweet feeling that I share with you the news that Casa Chunique has been rented for 2 years starting April 15, 2024.
There have been hundreds of guests, friends, that during the last 12 years have identified, enjoyed, grown their hearts and souls with the spirit of our beloved Casa Chunique.
Thanks to our commitment the respect we have for our environment, Casa Chunique has been recognized for its natural beauty and ecotouristic commitment, becoming a reference and inspiration for so many people. For your preference; my mother, my son, my work team and I are deeply grateful.
It is thanks to all of you, who relate to the need to care for Mother Earth, lovers of beauty and nature that we can continue our ecotouristic project. Now with our new baby. Casa Sarah
Estimados amigos, huespedes recurrentes y futuros visitantes.
Es con un sentimiento agridulce que comparto con ustedes la noticia que Casa Chunique ha sido rentada por 2 años a partir del 15 de Abril de 2024.
Han sido cientos de huespedes, amigos, que durante los ultimos 12 años, se han identificado, gozado, crecido su corazon y alma, con el espiritu pureza y belleza de nuestra querida Casa Chunique.
Gracias a nuestro compromiso de respeto a nuestro entorno, Casa Chunique ha sido reconocida por su belleza natural y compromiso ecoturistico. Se convirtio en referente e inspiracion para muchas personas. Por su preferencia, mi madre, mi hijo, mi equipo de trabajo y yo, estamos profundamente agradecidos.
Es gracias a todos ustedes, seres afines con el cuidado de la madre tierra, amantes de la belleza y la naturaleza, que podemos continuar nuestro proyecto ecoturistico con nuestro nuevo bebé…Casa Sarah.

Before Casa Chunique, there was a small camper, before the small camper, there was a humble palapa. Before, at the beginning, it was, just the rocks… The First Rocks. On a sea shore cliff, over looking the magnificent sea of Cortes, what Jacques Cousteau called “The aquarium of the world” lives Casa Chunique. She hinges the horizon of earth and sea and sky. Capricious scenery like no other. Privacy, intimacy inside nature. A true communion with our cosmic reality. This is the last frontier. This is our love. Please, respect, care and be kind to our home, our surroundings our extraordinary flora and fauna.

Our neighbors, the lovely town of Boca del Álamo. Boca del Álamo is a fishing village with amazing people, always kind and helpful, always have the catch of the day and top notch panga captains that offer fishing outings, local trail guides that can take you on incredible hike trails leading to real oasis or cave paintings.

Casa Chunique’s front patio is an amazing reef inhabited by thousands of tropical fish it’s perfect for snorkeling. Kayaking and paddle boarding are also favorite activities to practice here. Our home runs mostly on solar energy, and our gray water is reused to water our plants, hermit crabs, bees and other small creatures also benefit from this water source. Our aloe flowers also are a great treat for the two hummingbird species in the area. Just next to our home, is what we call “raccoon hill”, a colony of about 10 raccoons live here, they are known to perform funny stunts. Do not leave food outside. Always lock the garbage dispensary, they are not tidie.

Never drive your vehicle on the beach. Many ignorant people do. Please don’t be part of that, this beach is among the beaches with most turtle nestings in the entire peninsula. Please don’t destroy them. Don’t let plastic bags fly away, once floating in the ocean, turtles and other sea animals mistake them for their favorite treat -jellyfish- Over all, please be kind, loving and respectful to this spectacular gift we have cherish and cared for, through 4 generations.


Lila, Joanne and Mateo.

visit Paradise !

Feel renewed and greatful in communion with nature and beauty all arround. Attractive weekly and monthly rates.

Amazing mini beach house, Casa Chunique for rent.
$ 250.00 USD  a day (two day minimum) party of five.


The ideal place to spend a few days away from civilization,


Discover your deepest connection with earth


A place of rest, meditation, sport or romance.

Rules and conditions.

When visiting this unique paradise to be in contact with nature and the nearby communities, guests and visitors are asked to respect the flora and fauna as well as the inhabitants of the region. Keep clean, do not leave toxic or polluting waste and do not alter the natural landscape. Guests cannot use blankets or towels for their pets and must collect their pets feces. Hunting is absolutely prohibited. Under no circumstances you can carry out the rotisserie to the wooden deck. Do not attempt against the flora and fauna of the area. Do not drive or park your car on the beach.

How to get around.

Arriving from Los Cabos the best option is to rent a 4×4 vehicle right there. The route is to Los Barriles approximately 2 hours. From los Barriles take the road to El Cardonal 30 minutes, from El Cardonal it is only 12 km more to Casa Chunique in a section of friendly gap. From El Cardonal begins a section of gap of approximately 12 km. Casa Chunique is the only house around and will be ready for your arrival.

From La Paz you can get there with a 4×4 vehicle Leaving from La Paz to Los Planes. From Los Planes a gap begins only for off-road experts. Exciting but only for the reckless. The arrival time for this route from La Paz is less than two hours.

Book today

Don’t let pass this opportunity!

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Casa Chunique